Built on years of cutting-edge pipe deterioration research and industry-leading AI and water systems modelling expertise, Ground Truth tells utilities when they can expect a critical main to fail.
Stay two steps ahead of potential failure and pre-empt costly and harmful consequences by addressing vulnerabilities before they become problems.
Ground Truth’s advanced, multi-variable, modelling capability gives utilities an unprecedented understanding of the remaining useful life of their critical mains.
Develop strategic maintenance plans to extend the main’s lifetime and perform replacement on a ‘just-in-time' basis to maximise its remaining useful life.
Leverage Ground Truth’s advanced scenario modelling to prepare for worst-case events.
Simulate emergency conditions to develop and refine contingency plans, ensuring rapid response and minimal downtime, reducing impact to customers.
Ground Truth can be deployed to monitor, model, and protect the health of clean and wastewater mains across multiple use cases.
When deployed for Rising Mains, Ground Truth helps water companies:
When deployed for Strategic Trunk Mains, Ground Truth helps water companies:
When deployed for Mains Next to Properties, Ground Truth helps water companies: